Dec 24, 2008

New 3D Figure

This is my recently 3D figure.
It was made by clay.
This work that change to the 3D image from the 2D is so fun.
And I can get a lot of learning.

Dec 16, 2008

Recently work

This is my recently work of wedding reception.
I drew 22 people in it.
It spend a long time..

Dec 9, 2008

The show finished!

I had a fantastic time for a week. It was just like a Festival!
A lot of caricaturists came to see those.
And we had a lot of fun and relax time.
Much appreciate!

With Nabe, Sosuke and his wife Marie.

Kage and Akahori.

With Nikyu.

Dec 2, 2008

My small exhibition

I'll hold my first exhibition for a week from tomorrow .

Pictures of this show will be uploaded at this blog.

Wait a few days :)

Nov 29, 2008


Nov 2008, I went to NYC and participated NCN Con that held Raleigh.
This convention gathered a lot of crazy caricaturists.

It's happy thing to do my best.